Still plenty of growing, going on in the garden. I'm particularly preoccupied with making sure I get the most out of the roses. I'm lucky enough to have a huge number of mature roses, a wide variety all of which are still very much putting on fresh growth and buds. In fact they look healthier now than they did 4 weeks ago, amazing what a bit of rain and harsh dead heading will do to get the plants to push on.
Fruit trees are dropping fruit like crazy. One tree in particular looks almost deformed with the abundance of apples. It's important to remove any rotting fruit as they are contagious and anything rotting has the potential for disease.
It's wise to keep the lawn cut and the dropped fruit removed. It doesn't take long for a large apple to kill the grass underneath it.
Leaves have started to fall but not in any way that they are affecting the look of the garden.
Some of the perennials have finished flowering and are starting to look in need of being cut back. I am removing the heads, keeping the green rather than losing the colour and height entirely. Still plenty that are pumping out colour
Vegetables are in great abundance, finally getting some ripe tomatoes and courgettes are still producing fruit but very disappointed with my broccoli which has been ravished by caterpillars. That said I rather like the butterflies so a bit of a trade off there.
So if you are struggling with the amount to do don't hesitate to call